They’ve GOT to go, 1 down, too many remaining…
Most Toxic Republicans Working to End
Democracy In the United States
Level One
• Donald Trump (currently nothing)
• Tucker Carlson & Fox News (distributor of misinformation)
• Joe Manchin (Democrat, Senate WV, maybe) ***
• Mitch McConnell (Senate Minority Leader)
• Kevin McCarthy (House Rep CA)
• Marjorie Taylor Green (House Rep GA)
• Ted Cruz (Senator TX)
• Josh Hawley (Senator MO)
Level Two
• Ron Johnson (Senator WI)
• Lindsay Graham (Senator SC)
• Mo Brooks Graham (House AL)
• Greg Abbot (Governor TX)
• Ron DeSantis (Govenor FL)
• Lauren Boebert (House Rep CO)
• Matt Gaetz (House,FL)
• Rudy Guilliaini (Former NYC Mayor, now local idiot)
*** While Joe Manchin is a Democrat, he needs to walk, talk, and squawk like a Republican, if he wants to keep his seat in Ruby Red West Virginia. Presently (as of 6/7/2022).
A new study released by the personal finance website shows West Virginia as one of the least educated states in the United States. The study cross-examines several aspects of education,
including the percentage of people with associate’s and bachelor’s degrees, where West Virginia ranked 50th. ~ That explains a lot ~
Please, become informed and help your Country protect itself from the Republican Party and the anti-democracy influences of trumpism.