The Covid Pandemic
[May 2021] While the pandemic in the United States seems to be getting under control, it is far from over. Domestically, there are difficulties that remain. Approximately 30% of the population claims they will not get vaccinated. These people will be left to pass the virus among themselves, slowly culling that group, while those vaccinated will hopefully remain immune. The wild card is that within those that remain unvaccinated, variants may occur the can penetrate the defense of the existing vaccines and re-infect those already protected. There is one silver lining though in this… Corporate America is just beginning to require their employees to be vaccinated. It’s a bit early to demand it right now, but very soon it will be a case of “get your shot or find another place to work”. Any store, company, or factory cannot have any internal spreading of the virus by those unvaccinated workers, so they will demand it.
Internationally (as of 5/18/2021), India, Brazil, and many other South American Countries are suffering greatly from rises in cases and hospitalizations. A lack of vaccines and logistics are causing tremendous losses in those places. To have the pandemic truly under control here in the US, those kinds of places will have to successfully quash the pandemic too. At this point, it is very difficult to predict how hose situation may resolve. Click for Information on Global Covid Intensity (BBC)
Email to Your Representative(s)
There are two different messages, one for Republican politicians and one for Democratic politicians. The Democratic message is at the bottom of this page. Cut and paste one or the other.
A Note to Send to You Local Republican Representatives only
************************************************************************** BEGIN MESSAGE
Senator/Congressman XXX,
Our Nation has been put through hell at the hands of the trump administration and the Republican Party, which has abandoned all tenets of what its party used to stand for, the Constitution, political decorum, and fairness at the polls. Currently, it’s up to us to prevent donald trump and the Republican Party from accomplishing their goal of hijacking our Democracy and preventing this Nation from moving ahead. Through their words and inactions, they have clearly demonstrated clearly that they do not care about this Country or our Democracy.
I strongly urge you to publicly abandon your support of trump and his anti-democracy campaign. Be one of the first in the committed P.O.T. and return your Party to its proper place in our society and urge your Senate counterparts to do the same. You think trump supporters will vote you out of office. I believe if you do not act, the people (a segment of Republican voters) will make you pay for not acting to eject him as the party leader. Many in this segment are changing their positions. While a portion will never change, a significant portion is waking up to a reality that is very hard to ignore… that donald trump and the Republican Party are toxic to our Nation in so many ways. We cannot survive another round of dominant trumpism. PLEASE, CONGRESSMAN… VOTE TO ABANDON THE GREATEST ABOMINATION IN A POLITICAL PARTY AND A FORMER PRESIDENT THAT OUR NATION HAS EVER KNOWN.
<Your Name>
************************************************************************** END MESSAGE
A Note to Send to You Local Democratic Representatives only
************************************************************************** BEGIN MESSAGE
Senator/Congressman XXX,
Our Nation has been put through hell at the hands of the trump administration and the Republican Party, which has abandoned all tenets of what its party used to stand for, the Constitution, political decorum, and fairness at the polls. Currently, it’s up to us to prevent donald trump and the Republican Party from accomplishing their goal of hijacking our Democracy and preventing this nation from moving ahead. Through their words and inactions, they have clearly demonstrated clearly that they do not care about this Country or our Democracy.
I strongly urge you to do everything within your power to help prevent Republican successes in local and national elections. Our Democracy stands at great risk if Republicans regain control, but my guess is you already know that and concur.
<Your Name>
************************************************************************** END MESSAGE
Your Name Your Local District or City/State Find your local House and Senate Reps. send this note (or one of your own creation) to each Republican Senate or House member covering your district. http://whoismyrepresentative.com
The U.S. Constitution
The Constitution is presented in several ways on this site. This page presents the Constitution on one large HTML-enhanced page. Other pages present the Constitution as a series of individual pages, in plain text, in standard Palm DOC format, and in enhanced TealDoc format. A quick reference is also available, as are photos of the Constitution. The Constitution of China is available for comparison.
What is the Filibuster
The filibuster”, as it is known, is a tool that either party in the Senate can use to require 60 votes to pass a bill instead of a simple majority. Typically, when voting on any bill, the majority wins and the bill will pass. But wait, there’s more… If the opponents of that bill don’t like the outcome, they can just implement the filibusters, effectively requiring 60 or more votes to pass a bill. Makes one wonder, why even bother with declaring the “majority wins” when it really doesn’t.
Congress/President’s Oath of Office
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
The Rich Just Get Richer
If that doesn’t get your “hmmm” juices flowing, I don’t know what will. Let me explain by first going through the A and B elements and then speak to how they’re connected. The billionaire tax news I’m referring to comes from a blockbuster ProPublica story which dropped on Tuesday, (highly recommended reading, btw.)
Here’s a money sentence: “Taken together, [all the documents] demolishes the cornerstone myth of the American tax system: that everyone pays their fair share and the richest Americans pay the most.”
read more…